Friday, May 16, 2014

Photo and Biography of club member Joseph Burke LM448

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The picture was taken in the Mens Mess of the Cape Breton Highlanders,
in Victoria Park, Sydney NS,  Sept 29th, 2013

To all members of the Signallers Club of Canada
A lot of you will not know me as I’m 90 years old and retired from the Corps many years ago.  After 74 years of parading I decided it is time to hang up my spurs.
I started out in June 40 with the Cape Breton Highlanders and going overseas April 42 to the North Shore
(NB) Regt.  After a couple motorcycle accidents, I ended up going to Normandy with the 2nd Div, with the
Scottish Regt.  Returned to Canada for the Pacific War.  Worked with the Militia in Galt and Windsor.  I was Inf. Signaller and was supposed to go to the RCR, but was sent to Vimy in Feb  49.  Had to take Basic
Training under Addy K11.  Only 3 vets in the troop John Purdy, Tom Clark and myself.  We took the Line Trade, 3 trips up North, got to know the Beer stops, then 27 Bde in 52, then 1 Div Sigs Regt, when I got my 3 hooks,  RSM Addy gave me his stick that he used in the 40s as a drill Sgt.  That’s the stick I have in the Picture.  Posted to Halifax in 58, to 1 Line as Staff Sgt and all the jobs we had at that time.  Posted to the School for the first course of Foreman of Line Construction, which I passed, thanks to the help of the other 11 on the course, as I never had Algebra, Calculas or Geometry.  Not bad for a farm lad with only a Grade 8 education.  Posted to Carp and retired in 69.  Came back to Cape Breton and back in the saddle
Again as Sgt at Arms for the Legion and when the Atlantic Signals Association started, I got the job as
Parade Commander and Padre i/c Memorial Service for the next 20 years

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