Saturday, December 20, 2014


Basil McAllister just won his case against the Federal Government re his exposure to Defoliants and Agent Orange in Gagetown in 1956.
If you served in Gagetown since 1956, I was there for the first Divisional exercise since WW11. Many army types in 56 served on this exercise, West vs East.
Suggest you phone VAC 1 866 522 2122 and request an application form. Your claim starts the day you phone. Then visit your Dr. to find out if any if the diseases you have may have been from exposure to Defoliants or Agent Orange. If so, if you want I will assist you with that claim when I get back to BC in Mid-January. You do not have to be a member of CPVA for this assistance .Our organization has subject experts available. Well worth the effort. At present if you have a successful claim you will receive a onetime payment of $20k. This may also open the door for further benefits.
This may also allow for a claim for your wife and dependants.
Dave Munro CPVA Service Officer BC 
250 510 5332

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